Conservation Scientist: An In-Depth Look

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Conservation Science is an interdisciplinary field primarily concerned with the protection and preservation of biodiversity, ecosystems, and natural resources. This field combines principles of biology, ecology, social sciences, and environmental policy to understand and manage natural habitats and species.

Current Outlook of the Occupation

The outlook for conservation scientists is increasingly positive and vital, especially in the context of global environmental challenges such as climate change, habitat loss, and biodiversity conservation. Growing public awareness and governmental focus on environmental issues are driving demand for expertise in this area.

Salaries by Major Metro Area

  1. San Francisco, CA: $85,000 – $130,000
  2. New York, NY: $80,000 – $125,000
  3. Washington, D.C.: $75,000 – $120,000
  4. Los Angeles, CA: $70,000 – $115,000
  5. Seattle, WA: $68,000 – $110,000
  6. Boston, MA: $67,000 – $108,000
  7. Denver, CO: $65,000 – $105,000
  8. Chicago, IL: $63,000 – $100,000
  9. Atlanta, GA: $60,000 – $95,000
  10. Austin, TX: $58,000 – $93,000

Occupation FAQ

What educational background is required?

Typically, a bachelor’s degree in environmental science, biology, or a related field, with many roles requiring a master’s or doctoral degree.

What skills are crucial in this field?

Analytical skills, research competence, problem-solving, communication, and a deep understanding of ecological systems and conservation methods.

What types of organizations hire conservation scientists?

They are employed by government agencies, non-profits, academic institutions, and environmental consulting firms.

Is travel a component of the job?

Yes, conservation scientists often travel for fieldwork, conferences, and research.

Can conservation scientists specialize in a specific area?

Yes, specializations include wildlife conservation, marine ecosystems, forest conservation, and environmental policy.

Pros and Cons of the Occupation


  1. Contribution to environmental sustainability.
  2. Diverse and dynamic working environments.
  3. Opportunities for extensive research and fieldwork.
  4. Growing demand in the job market.
  5. Intellectual and personal fulfillment.


  1. Often requires advanced education.
  2. Fieldwork can be physically demanding.
  3. Emotional challenges facing environmental issues.
  4. Competitive job market.
  5. Potentially long hours, including weekends and holidays.

How to Find Work

  • Websites: Platforms like EcoJobs, Conservation Job Board, Indeed, LinkedIn, and specific environmental organization websites.
  • Organizations: Government agencies (e.g., EPA, National Park Service), NGOs like WWF or Sierra Club, and academic research institutions.

Famous People Related to Occupation

  1. Jane Goodall – Primatologist and anthropologist known for her work with chimpanzees.
  2. David Attenborough – Broadcaster and natural historian.
  3. Rachel Carson – Environmentalist and author of ‘Silent Spring.’
  4. Chico Mendes – Brazilian environmentalist and union leader.
  5. John Muir – Naturalist and advocate for the preservation of wilderness in the United States.

Companies Well Known in the Occupation

  1. The Nature Conservancy
  2. World Wildlife Fund
  3. Environmental Defense Fund
  4. National Audubon Society
  5. Greenpeace

Similar Occupations

  1. Wildlife Biologist
  2. Environmental Consultant
  3. Marine Biologist
  4. Ecologist
  5. Natural Resource Manager


Conservation scientists play a crucial role in protecting and managing the Earth’s natural resources. The profession offers opportunities to contribute to meaningful environmental causes while facing the challenges of a dynamic and evolving field. With growing global attention to environmental issues, the role of conservation scientists is more important than ever.

Written by Jacob Peebles with support from EmployGPT